Posting a job offering on COLCO is as simple as 1, 2 and 3.
Before starting once you created a profile on COLCO make sure you have filled all the bio details in the about section of the profile along with uploading your CV and work details so that recruiters can know you better.
Following are the steps through which you can create a job offering on COLCO:
1. From the home page of the COLCO app click on the plus icon and click on Find Jobs.
2. Fill in all the necessary information needed. (Pro tip: Fill in the skills necessary for the job offering you are creating as it will increase your chances of getting hired by a recruiter looking for the same job profile)
3. After filling in the information click on submit, Now sit tight and let the recruiter see you in their recommendations or simply go to the company you want to apply to and from their COL section apply for the job you needed.

4. After creating an offering (CO) you can click on it and see the recommendations of the companies which are best fitted to your offering. Additionally, you can follow the companies to see their posts, job and collaboration opportunities directly in your home feed.
You can even use a feel special feature to share that you are available to work with the community.