As a recruiter or a business, you know how important it is to hire the right person with the required skill set for the job. COLCO simplifies this process for you.
Following are the steps for hiring people from COLCO:
- Once you create your account on COLCO make sure you have filled the profile details through the about section of the profile and upload a relevant portfolio. It helps in determining the legitimacy of your profile.
- After filling up the details you need to create a requirement for the job for which you are hiring.
- To create requirements click on a plus icon from the home screen and select hire services.
4. While creating the requirement make sure to fill in all the information such as skills, description as per your requirement.
5. Additionally, once you created a requirement you can see recommendations of relevant candidates with whom you can discuss directly. These automatic recommendations are based on candidates' portfolios and skills, we made it so you don’t have to go through the manual process of shortlisting.

6. When you create a requirement job seekers will apply which you can see in the request section of your requirement with whom you can start communicating by simply clicking on them and then start discussing.
7. Now simply chose the candidate which is a perfect fit for your job and hire talent through COLCO.
You can use the Feel Special feature to share your job requirements on other social media.