Earning via COLCO is very simple, especially for individuals.
An individual (Influencer, content creator, freelancer, professional, student) can earn following ways:
1. Selling original content (Digital Content)
2. Selling recorded sessions, tutorials, courses
3. Selling services (Professional or skill-based)
4. Collaborate with individuals or businesses
Now, let’s see in detail –
- Selling original content (Digital Content)

An individual can sell his/her original content, which contains digital content such as exclusive videos, music, ebooks, pdfs, and all types of digital content owned by you and can be sold digitally. The creator can choose the price at which He/She want to sell it content. Also, the frequency of posting is chosen by the creator
2. Selling recorded sessions, tutorials, courses
This pandemic has shown us the power of the internet and how we can take online sessions, classes, by using online platforms. But, what if we tell you that you can earn more from these classes or live sessions. You don’t need to go live again and again to teach the same thing. Record it and sell it to the community and you can utilise the time for creating more exclusive content to sell to a new audience.

You can sell recorded videos of online classes, courses, live sessions, workshops, and tutorials to the community or loyal followers at the price you want.
3. Selling services (Professional or skill-based)
COLCO made selling service easy for the talents. No matter you are a professional or freelancer, you can sell your services to the community in real-time that too at no platform charges.

You can sell professional services that include, make-up services, mechanical services, or freelancing services such as graphics designing, logo designing, marketing services, consulting services, CA services, legal services, and much more.
4. Collaborate with individuals or businesses

One of the best ways to earn money through COLCO is to collaborate with individuals or businesses who always need helps in their project works and your skills will help them in completing work in real-time.
You can collaborate over many things like professional work, project works, business projects, brand endorsement or influencer collaboration and this is just the tip of the iceberg.